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10 years!

jaced.com turns ten years old

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear jaced.com,
Happy birthday to you.

It’s hard to believe, but a decade ago today, jaced.com was born. To commemorate the occasion, I’ve treated it to a revolutionary new template system called Thesis. While already dancing with WordPress, jaced.com now is proud to flaunt the extra-awesome badliness of Thesis, a solution that boasts the strongest SEO of any theme on the market thanks to its expertly coded HTML + CSS + PHP framework. Integral to these advantages is the Thesis community itself, comprised of some of the sharpest minds you could ever want in your circle of peeps.

The difference between Thesis and other (current) frameworks lies in the details under the hood, many of which are transparent to the end user. Thesis offers ultimate flexibility to the developer, allowing the site to be anything she wants it to be. 3-column layout with the content in the middle, 2-column layout with the sidebar on the right (as seen here), etc. These types of (previously tedious) layout changes are all conveniently performed with snazzy new tools. Tight CSS code with a mechanism in place for hooks and endless customization makes Thesis the smartest, most bullet-proof, most forward-thinking framework I’ve ever seen. Immune to obsolescence, we can happily discard any other template solution decisions. There’s really no reason to ever need another theme again. I’ve gotta say that Thesis is the most exciting thing to happen to serious Web developers since, say, electricity.

Along with WordPress, Thesis is now driving jaced.com as of today. I’ll be playing with things, tightening things down as I go. One of the supercool things is the rotating image at the top of the sidebar. To be loaded with some of my favorite things, two of which are in there now. 😉

As an afterthought to this post, here are a few things that were going on ten years ago today:

— Who Wants to Be a Millionaire became our favorite show.
— Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased the homerun record in tandem.
— John Glenn returned to Earth from his jaunt on the Discovery.
— Saving Private Ryan left our jaws in our popcorn.
— Everlast’s “What it’s Like” was heard everywhere.
— The Monica Lewinsky scandal hit mainstream consciousness.

3 comments… add one
  • Naylor November 17, 2008, 9:06 pm

    Congrats! No cake?

  • sean November 20, 2008, 10:12 am

    Congrats! – The new theme looks great and you did an awesome job of implementation. Now – Can you get me some fried shrimp?

  • jaced.com November 20, 2008, 10:46 am

    Thanks dudes.

    @sean: tail-on or tail-off?

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