Along with approximately seventy-nine trillion other things, I’m part Wyandot Indian. The Anglofied spelling of our people is “Wyandotte”, with their motherland being smack dab in the middle of the United States in Kansas.
My maternal grandmother, Gran, is the person that gave me this heritage. I just received an informative email from her, and rather than explain, I figure I’ll just post it here:
Hi Jace:
I have been “googling” just now and…
Time out for a second. Gran’s in her nineties and she’s getting her Google on. Does she not rock or what? LOVE IT.
Sorry about the interruption. Anyway:
Hi Jace:
I have been “googling” just now and brought up “Jace Daniel Albao.” At the mention of Wyandot I suddenly noticed the paragraph about the Wyandot Cemetery in Kansas City, Kansas. It tells of 100 years struggle to maintain this land as a cemetery, with other tribes wanting to establish it for commercial gambling. My mother told me at one time that it had been considered a shrine.
My Indian family is buried there, including my grandmother and grandfather, which took place in my lifetime, plus several generations of family. It hurts me very much to recall my grandmother’s many futile efforts to regain the land that had once been ours (where the present airport exists today) and it was her prime interest for many years. She even went to Washington D.C. to study and research at the Congressional Library and later could talk for hours on the subject. And my greatest regret is she died before the decision to award to 400 Indians the $1600 that was rightfully theirs. My children were awarded the original $1600, as they were all at least 18 years of age. My grandchildren, except Heather, received their checks bearing interest accrued by the time each was 18 years old. You now know a little part of the story and should understand that’s how you were able to buy your first car, if I correctly recall.
Another thing I remember: the tribe was Catholic and in my mother’s family her mother (my grandmother) was one of three sisters all Catholic, but at an early age she became a Protestant. No doubt this caused some friction at times.
Just a bit of family history I’ve given you. Google does a good job of explaining the history of the Wyandots. I find as I grow OLD that reminiscing plays an important role in my life.
Take care and invite us to see your beautiful home once it’s finished.
Thanks Gran. Much love backatcha. I’ll have a bottle of scotch ready. How do you and Grandpa like your filet mignon?
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