Okay. Got the tiles in. The three-day weekend continued all three nights this week, spending a few hours a night getting that last row of squares in there nice and tight. I had the chop saw out on the porch, and must’ve done a thousand laps from the floor to the saw, shaving off millimeters at a time. The trick is to really get each square in the last row tight, and then hammer the thing in. If it goes in too easy, you’ve cut too much off. If you haven’t cut off enough, you’ve gotta go back to the porch and shave off more. Not a gig for the lazy; lots of patience for disciplined accuracy required. My legs feel like they’re about to fall off.
Now it’s time for the first stage of sanding. A dude’s loaned me some good power tools: three different kinds of sanders. There are a few pieces up near the front door, black, that I’ll need to custom cut with the chop saw, with one piece requiring a 45-degree angle. That’ll be knocked out on Saturday morning, before about a half day of pre-finish sanding. Before I get the big machine for the fine finish, there are some higher parts in the wood that I need to level off. In particular, it became apparent that the existing floor on the old living room side of that old wall had been sanded down much more over the years than that first bedroom’s floor. So there’s literally about a quarter of an inch difference between the living room’s existing floor and the ripped border, which is made from a strip of surplus wood I’d pulled up from the bedroom.
Where the wall heater patch was is also a slight bulge that’ll need to be leveled down. I over-shimmed, and not entirely unintentionally. The last thing I needed was for it to sag. That’d bum me out. I’d rather have more shim in there, with no creaks, and then just sand the thing down accordingly.
Much of the ebony stain will likely come off in the sanding. I plan to go in there and mask it all off after the sanding to perhaps throw a final coat again. But who knows. It might look cool sanded. We’ll see how deep the stain went.
Tomorrow I need to break out the ladder and hang plastic sheets, moving paintings and electronics into the other room to keep them clear of the dust storm that’s gonna blow through here. Fun, fun, fun.