Night 1: Paper down the floors and demo the drywall down to the frame. It was my first time. Fun stuff. I grabbed two hammers and did paradiddles until my arms almost fell off. Nothing like breaking that first hole. “I can see the light!”
Tomorrow: Throw up the temporary support walls and take out old the frame. Weekend: Get about five guys to throw the beams up, then on to the finish.
We could hear ya’, Jace!! It was a sweet sound and with every time that hammer came down, we got a got a chuckle cuz it was 10:30 P.M. No better time than the present!!!
Hey Mare! You guys are the coolest! I figured I’ve been awakened by a leaf blower on a Saturday morning at 6am enough times in my life that it was my turn to give the world a little of my own sonic hell at a questionable hour!
“Live in the now.” –Garth Algar
Where’s the drum cage?
Oh yeah. The drum cage. Wait ’til I tell you about my plans for the garage…
i want a drum cage that rises up out of the floor like that stage at disneyland. with a fog machine.
one question, “where’s the stripper pole gonna be”?
I wanted to do the demo first, and then let the optimum location for the pole declare itself. Now that things are becoming clear, I’m beginning to think that two poles, one on on each side of the room, may be necessary. For balance. To really tie the room together.
You look hot in workboots!!!!
This is so exciting- let me know if you need a hand! I’m an excellent spackler/wall painter/before-and-after-picture-taker..
Demo is sooo fun, isnt it? Told you. Now, what are you doing with all the old stuff? Moving it once is key.
Dirty work that feels so good! How exciting. The pics are great.
Tear – down – the – WALLS!
I don’t see a beer in your hand. One hand for your beer, one for your hammer. Rock it out man. NIIIIIIIIIICE
Go big, no shortcuts. you’ll be lovin it