“Despite everything, despite our controversies and what is apparently and tragically a sense of divisiveness that permeates our land, and despite riots and rebellions that go hand in hand, mind you, with repression and brutality, one major and fundamental guarantee of protracted freedom is the unfettered right of the man to write as he sees fit. As his conscience indicates. As his mood dictates. As his cause cries out for. The moment you begin to censor the writer, and history bears this out in the ugliest of fashions, so begins a process of decay in the body politic that ultimately leads to disaster. What begins with a blue pencil, for whatever reason, very often ends in a concentration camp. It has forever been thus. So long as men write what they think, then all of the other freedoms — ALL OF THEM — may remain intact. And it is then that writing becomes a weapon of truth. An article of faith. An act of courage.”
— Rod Serling
Rod Serling on the fundamental importance of freedom and the proven dangers of censorship
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