The baseboard project that started a few weeks ago is done at last. I’m noticing these projects are getting easier and easier as I go. If I keep this up, I’ll be building an ark and wild animals’ll be showing up at the front door in pairs.
It was tons of math, painting, sawing and mitering (the bay window — based on an octagon — was a particular futhermucker to get right, requiring angles that I’m convinced will never exist in Euclidean geometry), nailing, mudding (with wood filler, mainly on the joints), and repainting. The job came out so clean that I didn’t even need to break out a single tube of caulking. I picked up about eight tubes that I suppose will just sit in the garage for now.
Special thanks to Pop for the material, Hector for the chop saw, and my dogs for being so patient on those weekend mornings when our walks were delayed as I got a head start on the day at hand.
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