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Who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

who needs a truck?

1 comment… add one
  • Steph October 18, 2006, 7:57 am

    Thought 1: I’m an idiot for buying a new Durango with 12 mpg. I could have just bought a Vespa and strapped my daughter to my back.

    Thought 2: I really hope those pigs are already dead.

    Thought 3: How many of these people are Albaos? I’m guessing at least 8 or 9.

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