The saga continues. Woke up this morning and pulled up the final mask, spending a few hours down on the floor like Bubba and Forrest. Meticulously sandpapering the ebony bleed from the joints. “Shrimp salad, shrimp stew, SHRIMP WITH CANDIED WALNUTS…”
Next chore is to lay blue tape between the piece and the existing floor, re-staining the existing floor with Minwax Golden Oak 210B. I took a scrap sample of demoed oak strip down to Home Depot yesterday and tried to match it using the samples. I hope I’m close. I erred on the side of too light, in which case I figure some extra coats and some feathering will do the trick. If I guessed right, it should be as easy as 00001, 00010, 00011.
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