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Midsummer furniture rearrangement

I can’t believe it’s already been three years since I embarked on the remodel, but it has.

One of the things that never (literally) sat right with me ever since I got the place in back in 2001 was my two-piece L-shaped couch slash chaise lounge. Made of microfiber, I’ve had it since before I ever even got the house, and for the last nine years, I’ve been forcing it to work with everything else. Square peg round hole type of thing.

The piece has never worked. The color’s wrong for what I’ve got going on, it’s too big, and it’s got the wrong orientation (chaise on left). While I’ve tried a few different configurations ever since the remodel, I’ve never been happy with the results.

The L-shaped monster has also been dictating the position of virtually every other piece of furniture, including the bar, which hasn’t budged since it came home in 2008. While its original parking spot seemed perfect at the time, I’ve gradually been realizing that the bar would look good anywhere, and its location wasn’t necessarily best for the room. A drastic change was in order.

After talking about things a bit with M, we spent a couple hours addressing the overall layout of the main room’s furniture configuration. Once again, we tried moving the L-shaped monster. But to no avail. I decided right then and there that it was time to kill the beast and start from scratch. It had to go the curb, to the garage, to the backyard . . . anywhere but the main living room.

After moving the monster’s larger section to the back bedroom and its chaise to the front window, the whole room gave off a new vibe. It’s as if that L-shaped monster was trapping positive energy and keeping it from flowing through the main living area. I don’t want to get too New Age Feng Shui Nazi on you, but after making the changes, I immediately felt the energy come back to the room. I felt creative, I felt refreshed, I felt like I wanted to hang out in the room and never leave. It’s like my mind had finally exhaled and was able to breathe again.

Below are some pics of the result. I knew I was really onto something once I noticed that the bar now serves as the center of a sort of Fibonacci spiral encompassing the whole house. The diagram at the bottom of this post illustrates what I mean.

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

living room rearrangement feng shui

Again, the curved bar begins the Fibonacci spiral; the spiral’s edges are defined by the other walls of the house. Kinda badass.

living room rearrangement feng shui

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