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A bathroom somewhere in Vegas

las vegas men's room

Cleaning the photos off my cell phone and found this one from a recent trip to Vegas. I vaguely remember this. It was one of those men’s rooms with the assorted cologne bottles, a mouthwash collection, breath mints, a hair dryer, and a middle-aged dude in a tux standing next to an expensive glass bowl overflowing with twenties as he hands you a warm towel with tongs. But he was apparently on vacation, and I was the only guy in there. Had the whole place to myself. It was a surreal moment. I also remember thinking the wallpaper would look cool in my kitchen, which is probably why I snapped this shot. Where was this? I honestly can’t remember. I guess it’s a memory that will forever have to, sorry, stay in Vegas. Which is the way it should be. I love that place.

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