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First rough sketch of Twitter

From Twitter, Inc.’s CEO Jack Dorsey’s Flickr gallery, a shot of the rough sketch that became Twitter. Early names they went through included stat.us and twttr. Part of me wishes they stuck to the original swirly graphics.

Dig in for this one. I hereby predict that Twitter will be the buzzword of 2007, preceded by YouTube in 2006, Skype in 2005, MySpace in 2004… iTunes in 2001… Google in 2000… eBay in 1999… Yahoo! in 1997… Spam in 1994… and so back. Not only will twitter be a household word, it’ll actually be a verb in the dictionary. Just watch. (“I was twittering you all day, but you didn’t twitter me back. So I’ll twitter you later.”)

Twitter me now.

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